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What Is The Single Most Powerful Tool needed to live, work and lead others with calm, clarity, joy and purpose?

Featherstone Coaching offers specific practices for living, working and leading others more mindfully every day.

MINDFULNESS creates presence.

When present we are able to clearly answer the question: “What is needed in this moment?”

PRESENCE is the foundation that supports our ability to: choose wisely, respond thoughtfully, live joyfully and be calm, conscious leaders.


Inspiration, truth, freedom from restriction, lofty ideals, ascension, wisdom and knowledge, evolution and expansion to a higher plane.

Stability, endurance, solidity, integrity, safe refuge, security, lasting foundation.


Do you recognize yourself or others in these descriptions?

  • INTELLECTUAL/CONCEPTUAL THINKERS: People who tend to “live in their heads”. Read More

  • PERFECTIONISTS: Those who have a hard time tolerating imperfection and have a tendency toward “either/or” thinking. Read More

  • RESCUERS/CARETAKERS: Also known as “people pleasers”, choices are made based on external factors rather than internal guidance and truth. Read More

  • PAST AND FUTURE DWELLERS: The vast majority of thoughts we have are about the past or the future. Read More


“What lies behind you and
what lies in front of you pales in comparison
to what lies inside of you.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson